After a long time I wish to scribble in my blog.Every second in my life is filled with various thoughts .Most of them surrounding different angles in which I myself viewing my life.Every aspects of my life is being thoroughly verified by myself .I know that it is weird and complex.The funniest part is when we find some similarities with great people who have achieved heights in their life.I have never read any negatives great people had ever possessed. So I am confused if they also had all the negatives that i am also having.Again complex and weird.Always searching for Benchmarks. Better to set our own benchmarks .
I wish I could update the facebook status with a funny quote. "I have successfully failed"--(continuously in all my personal ventures and all my personal decisions are just craps).All books and people says that we need to remove the fear for failure. But in my experience better to have that fear of failure and not to do great things if we really don't want to do it. People with failures simply lead their life with hopes of better tomorrow.But the hope alone will not suffice. We need to consistently put the head in fire for next failures.
Failures will result in a dangerous syndrome of avalanche of failures .This is because of all the crap books says that failure is the stepping stone to success. Thus we pave as many stones as possible and at last we will not be in a situation to count the stones .We will just keep on paving the stones of failures.
When we stand still at this point and scrutinize previous actions and decisions everything will be again a mess.Then we realize that we haven't done anything really great.But Off course books says that experience is the best teacher. Practice makes the man perfect etc. Even the mightiest ocean has a point of curl .Even everything has a nucleus part. This is fact .So again hopes are high to reach that nucleus...Some late night thoughts ..Just to read and laugh in the future..Have fun Guys..Enjoy Life...!!!
I wish I could update the facebook status with a funny quote. "I have successfully failed"--(continuously in all my personal ventures and all my personal decisions are just craps).All books and people says that we need to remove the fear for failure. But in my experience better to have that fear of failure and not to do great things if we really don't want to do it. People with failures simply lead their life with hopes of better tomorrow.But the hope alone will not suffice. We need to consistently put the head in fire for next failures.
Failures will result in a dangerous syndrome of avalanche of failures .This is because of all the crap books says that failure is the stepping stone to success. Thus we pave as many stones as possible and at last we will not be in a situation to count the stones .We will just keep on paving the stones of failures.
When we stand still at this point and scrutinize previous actions and decisions everything will be again a mess.Then we realize that we haven't done anything really great.But Off course books says that experience is the best teacher. Practice makes the man perfect etc. Even the mightiest ocean has a point of curl .Even everything has a nucleus part. This is fact .So again hopes are high to reach that nucleus...Some late night thoughts ..Just to read and laugh in the future..Have fun Guys..Enjoy Life...!!!
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