I am really sad today . I cross checked several times and i found that the reason for my sadness is not having a HABIT. "Habits (or wonts) are routines of behavior that are repeated regularly and tend to occur subconsciously"-Wikipedia Says.
I can say that i have a habit of not keeping a habit. I have seen that people with habit accumulate their positive energy very easily.Each day they get a feeling of success or achievement because they are repeatedly doing something for a period of time and they continue to do that. I have never practiced such a thing.
I have several reasons for not having a habit.My interests and ideas changes in a second. I tend to do more things because i always think that the grass is greener on the other side.This has helped me a lot but could never stick on to a greenery. I have found greenery even in the sun burnt grass due to my optimism.
But Now i recognize that grass is always greener when we have a habit for what we really want to do.
I underline the fact that we need to develop a habit only for things we really want to do. Such habits will give all greenery we dream for and i will cherish this small post of mine in the coming years of my career. With this post i am starting my blogging habit for myself, my friends and for all readers who are thirsty to read what people really think and what equations are being solved in a persons mind and those who need a benchmark for their thinking too..
Vineeth Lokanadhan.
I can say that i have a habit of not keeping a habit. I have seen that people with habit accumulate their positive energy very easily.Each day they get a feeling of success or achievement because they are repeatedly doing something for a period of time and they continue to do that. I have never practiced such a thing.
I have several reasons for not having a habit.My interests and ideas changes in a second. I tend to do more things because i always think that the grass is greener on the other side.This has helped me a lot but could never stick on to a greenery. I have found greenery even in the sun burnt grass due to my optimism.
But Now i recognize that grass is always greener when we have a habit for what we really want to do.
I underline the fact that we need to develop a habit only for things we really want to do. Such habits will give all greenery we dream for and i will cherish this small post of mine in the coming years of my career. With this post i am starting my blogging habit for myself, my friends and for all readers who are thirsty to read what people really think and what equations are being solved in a persons mind and those who need a benchmark for their thinking too..
Vineeth Lokanadhan.
Green Habit! Vineeth.. :)